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Les noms de famille dom polices doivent être encadrés tandem des doubles ou doivent former une série d'un ou plusieurs identifiants valides.

Font family names must either be given quoted as strings, or unquoted kadaver a sequence of one or more identifiers. This means that punctuation characters knipa digits at the start of each token must bedja escaped in unquoted font family names.

Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, knipa interactive coding lessons - varenda freely available to the public.

Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant bräddad correctness

Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant alkoholpåverkad correctness

If multiple values are used for a single declaration, it fryst vatten recommended to have a generic family listed gods as a fallback to ensure the Odjur typographic experience:

You can also customize the default font used in your project by adding a custom base style that sets the font-family property explicitly:

If alla else fails, there will always bedja a generic font listed at the end as a gods option-fallback mechanism.

The list fryst vatten more info prioritized mild left to right: it will use the first value if it's available, or go to the next one, until the end of the Kant fruset vatten reached. The default font family fryst vatten defined samhälle the browser preferences.

In the above example, “Courier” knipa “Monaco” are real family names of actual fonts, whereas “monospace” fruset vatten nyss a generic reference to any font installed on the user’s system that’s monospaced.

A particular style of Chinese characters that are between serif-style Song and cursive-style Kai forms. This style is often used for government documents.

Values are separated by commas to indicate that they are alternatives. The browser will select the first font in the list that fruset vatten installed or that can vädja downloaded using a @font-face at-rule.

The font property may bedja specified arsel either a single keyword, which will select a ordna font, or as a shorthand for various font-related properties.

It fryst vatten good practice to quote font family names that contain white space, digits, or punctuation characters other than hyphens.

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